With some of the weakest nomination excuses you could wish for it was that time of week again as the remaining housemates cast their votes as we rush towards the final weeks of Big Brother.

Here’s how the nominations went…

Aisleyn voted Richard and Glyn
Glyn voted Richard and Pete
Imogen voted Richard and Pete
Jenni voted Aisleyn and Imogen
Pete voted Imogen and Glyn
Richard voted Aisleyn and Imogen


You know as well as I do that this isn’t really why we were watching tonight. In a decision that has caused considerable upset and polarised viewing opinion Big Brother tonight was mainly about putting four ex housemates back into the fold (albeit temporarily). Was this part of the plan all along or was it an attempt to shore up ailing ratings? I’m not entirely sure personally and I don’t care. For me it’s all part of the necessary drama a show as ridiculous as this thrives upon (c’mon do any of you take this seriously, I mean I know I’ve started a blog style thing about it but hey…).

As we know four were going back in, and my goodness this lot were seriously desperate. Sam looked more like a Wallace and Gromit character covered in blusher as we waved frantically for the camera. Lea seemed to have grown more chins for the occasion. Lisa did that cringe inducing gurn that not even a mother could love. While Jayne wobbled her arms so sure she was going back into the house it made her crestfallen reaction that much sweeter to experience when she missed the boat.

So the housemates who copped for a return ticket were none other than…

Grace (for someone who took such a public hammering I’m surprised they let her back in).
Mikey (the boy only just left but I suspect the public are expecting to see the continuation of some romance with Grace).
Lea (yeah, why not. She adds a level of perverse value to proceedings).
Nikki (strangely, she was the colour of mustard powder an interesting hue for television).

With the choice made The Frightful Four were readmitted to the secret house and their presence was announced to the original housemates. Something I thought would have been left till Friday, both Lea and Nikki drew positive reactions from the “real” housemates while a Grace and Mikey reaction was curiously absent.

For me this means it’s a two horse race for readmission. Nikki and Lea being the only contenders (and I’m getting better at this, only marginally but I did get both last week’s evictions right).

Speaking of evictions, Davina was patting her stomach quite a lot towards the end of the show. A worrying trend, perhaps she was drumming out morse code to her unborn baby explaining that his/her eviction wasn’t due for another couple of weeks.

It seems we’ve got a double eviction to watch for now. Surely for Davina it must be any day now…