Two bronzed bodies step onto the stage before me. The lights bounce off their gleaming pecs and bleached blond hair. As they turn towards the audience a gasp ripples through the crowd. Have I lost a contact lens? I’m suddenly seeing double…

The Caesar brothers Pablo and Pierre are identical twins; the same height, muscle definition (studied purely for research purposes) and skill for acrobatics. Whoever made these bundles of buff used exactly the same mould… and had the females of the world in mind when they did so. Fear not men, there’s also a limb bending lass to balance the testosterone levels. It’s certainly a show with sex appeal – but that’s just the beginning.

Upbeat music and a simple set is all that is needed for the backdrop of this show. Clothes tend to appear at a minimum too. The twins’ bodies do the talking – it’s not what they say, it’s what they do with them.

I may have a close bond with my own brothers and sisters but I can’t ever remember balancing them upside down on my shoulders. Yes, I’m talking shoulder-to-shoulder action here – no hands, honest. I may also not be an expert in the laws of physics but there are some serious rules broken by these two. I guess when you’ve been practising since you were five you can afford some

That’s the thing about this show, it’s almost impossible to explain to someone who hasn’t seen it. The tricks are mind bending and defy verbal description. For someone who finds it hard to get through a yoga lesson, I found it enthralling. If superhuman cartoon characters were to come to life and join the human race, these brothers are exactly what they’d look like.

I’m not usually one for contortionists – I tend to slip into boredom quite easily. This show however, had me gripped from start to end. There’s a quiet understanding between the twins and unspoken electricity that shocks the audience into fascination. Multimedia, a variety of tricks, humour and a progressive storyline move the show along at an engaging pace.

The crowd’s appreciation levels go up a notch when the tragic story of Pablo’s near death experience is explained. He was left in a coma after falling from the ‘Wheel Of Death’ and was told he’d never be able to walk again. With the help of Pierre however, he forced himself to start training whilst still in a wheelchair.

With this in mind, the spectacle before you is all the more inspiring. I actually cried – and that’s something a Richard Gere movie can’t even bring me to.

This talented duo sold out during the 2005 Edinburgh Fringe Festival and has filled seats again this year. If you’re in Scotland over the next week, go see them. If you’re not, find an excuse to head for the highlands… this visual feast is worth it.

The Caesar Twins perform at: The Pleasance Courtyard, Grand – August 4 to 24.