Necrophilia: who does it?






Necrophilia is the erotic attraction to or a sexual interest in corpses.


There are two assumptions on which most of it’s investigators agree. One is that necrophilia is exceedingly rare. The other is that the literature on the subject is severely limited.It is a rare sexual perversion that is seldom reported to police, published in the journals, or found in the forensic literature. It usually involves people who work with cadavers at funeral parlors.


So that is good because it means that luckily most likely you will not accidentally catch out your neighbour having fun with his newly betrayed (or found?) human body.




So why would anyone do this?


There are different theories in psychology, most of them are very deep and try to trace back this pervertion to very ancient instincts.


“In unicellular organisms, there often does not exist what could be called ‘the death of an individual’, when by splitting two, new ‘individual organisms’ are created and no death as such occurs. … Necrophilia could be interpreted as a regressive desire to return into a phylogenetically older stage of life development, where no individual dies, and life continues without interruption. …There is some analogy to this regressive desire at a higher level of the biological development in Human society–a magic conviction about the possibility to receive a dead person-common in preliterate cultures.”


Is it clear? Does this explanation satisfy you, does it explain you why would anyone do this?


Probably not.


Let’s just simplify the answer: because they are sickos!




Thinking about it, some other, practical questions flash through my mind: do the things what happen within normal (well, these days more or less accepted) sexual life happen in nechrophil sex as well?


I mean, is there homosexual necrophilia?


Are there necrophil gang bangs?


Well, most likely the answer for these questions is yes.


It seems to me that no matter how sick a given thought seems, it is almost for sure that some people in the world will do it.


Fun for them to do, fun for us to read.